理科1類 T.Iさんの解答
In my opinion, this insist is true, but Japanese people would not accept it. Japanese people tend to avoid making positive comments in a discussion, which often comes from the desire that they don’t want to take responsibility for the discussion. They are afraid of making mistakes. However, in discussions, making various comments enables us to make progress, so I think it important to insist on your idea without fear.(70 words)
教育学部 A.Uさん
Silence does not always indicate agreement. It can be caused from fear, uncertainty, or a lack of interest. People may stay quiet because they want to avoid conflict or because they feel their opinion will not be valued. Especially in Japan, people often remain quiet to maintain harmony rather than express consent. Therefore, assuming agreement based on silence can often lead to misunderstandings. (63words)
理科一類 廣田陽輝さんの解答
I disagree with the statement “Not giving an opinion is the same as agreeing.” Silence does not necessarily indicate agreement, for it could be due to uncertainty, discomfort, or the desire to avoid conflict. People may withhold their opinions for various reasons, and assuming that silence equals consent overlooks these nuances. It’s important to encourage open dialogue and recognize that non-response doesn’t always reflect agreement.(65words)
文科一類 中谷響さんの解答
I agree with this opinion. This is because not claiming your own opinion shows the fact that you are convinced. You always have a chance to disagree with others’ opinions by telling others your own opinion. Silence means losing the chance. Also,even if you were forced to agree with others’ opinions, that choice would be based on the fact that you are convinced that if you agree with the opinions,you get more benefit or cause less damage.
教養学部 SUZUKIGAKUさんの解答
I believe that staying silent means agreeing.
This is because the situation remains unchanged, when people don’t express their opinions. In a classroom, for instance, most students may feel that bullying is wrong but say
nothing. Their silence gives power to the bullies, and makes them part of the serious problem. Even in small ways, speaking up can stop the bad situation. Silence can support current situation.
(67 words)
文学部4年 F.Tさんの解答
Silence does not always mean agreement. Sometimes, we face a problem that is too complicated to answer in one word. For example, when you are asked “If you find your mother and your partner is drowning, do you help your partner, not your mother?” This question has no “correct” answer. We must help one and let the other die. If we say nothing, it does not indicate our answer.
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